このページはThe Transformation Game®の開発元InnerLinks社のホームページから、同社の許可を得て翻訳、転載しています。
1月のエンジェルは Synthesis(統合)
では、今月の実践は何でしょうか? それを「頂点に達する」と呼びましょう。つまり、最も高い中間点に行き、人生と二元性の明らかな矛盾を抱くことです。そして興味深いことに、それは非二元性の点ではなく、統合の点なのです。
Angel of January is Synthesis
~Inspirational Message~
Act with a win-win attitude.
Use your creativity and sensitivity to blend all the diverse parts into a unified whole.
We inter-face with the world in numerous ways; as a partner, a family member, child, parent, pet pal, neighbor, customer, and community member both culturally and nationally to name a few. Who is the 'one' that is behind the many faces — who is the 'one' inner-face?
The world we live in does not always appear to support the experience of essence living and this creates pressure. To protect our core expression we build defenses. The tension is felt as a suffering that closes our hearts, contracts our spirit, and limits our creativity.
A state of synthesis is a seamless presence. There is no gap; no space that gets filled in with misconceptions of who others or we think we are. It is from this one presence that we can reach out in our many expressions. It is in this blending all the diverse parts that returns us to the unified whole that existed before the perception of separation.
So, what is the practice this month? Lets call it 'apexing' - going to the highest midpoint and holding the apparent paradoxes of life and duality. And interestingly, it is not a point of non-duality, it is the point of Synthesis.
Open to letting the truth you hold be replaced by a greater Truth. Synthesis allows a larger awareness of the whole to blend and fuse.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your inner-face shine through every experience.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Simplicity in December, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Synthesis into your life for the month of January.
12月のエンジェルは Simplicity(シンプルさ)
Angel of December is Simplicity
~Inspirational Message~
Simply be yourself. Look past the fanfare and drama to what is enduring.
Take time to clarify what is important to you and let non-essentials fall away.
Simplicity requires tenacity of spirit and a 'one pointed' clear holding of our soul's presence. Too much of the time our minds are filled with the complexities of outer circumstances. Living with simplicity, not necessarily simple, means removing the noise of the swirling demands that surround us.
Life itself is the expression of Divine Nature and an appreciation of this aligns our consciousness with what is essential and enduring. A moment of direct connection helps to break the spell of uncertainty and builds internal well-being. Living without fanfare opens doorways to what is truly important.
To simply be ourselves can be a daunting task. It presses us to deeply consider the question of who we truly are and then open to who everybody else is. It requires us to bring what we do into mindful service of who we are and simply shine the light of truth into our everyday experiences.
May currents of light come into your life on the wings of Simplicity this month.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Purification in November, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Simplicity into your life for the month of December.
11月のエンジェルは Purification(浄化)
整理を始めることを検討してください。クローゼット、ガレージ、物が積み重なっているところを片付けましょう。過去 1 年間使用していないものはすべて捨ててください。それは、今すぐ行動を起こす必要がある、遅れた決断を表しています。
Angel of November is Purification
~Inspirational Message~
Let a shower of light cleanse your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Wash away the drama that covers your essential nature.
This is it a call to inner-action! Stand firm in your person-ality and divine-ality. The luxury of complaining, blaming, judging, discounting yourself or others in any way is no longer 'reason' for holding to your place in a world of unaccounted for acts.
Un-clutter your perceptions; all your accumulated images, patterns, self-concepts and projections. Purification is a process of revealing the hidden potential of your souls identity. At some point, your soul becomes transparent to your true nature.
Self-realization and awareness of your experience continues as an unfoldment in which the identity stays the same and only the content that presents itself to our awareness changes. This is revelation, true seeing.
Is this month an opportunity to uncover and remove another veil obscuring your essential nature?
Consider beginning to un-clutter; clear out your closet, garage, and anywhere you have stuff stacked. Anything you have not used in the last year, toss it. It represents a delayed decision that needs action now!
We hope the Angels continue to shine in your life. Never under estimate the good in your heart and those you meet.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Integrity in October, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Purification into your life for the month of November.
10月のエンジェルは Integrity(誠実さ)
Angel of October is Integrity
~Inspirational Message~
Stand up for what you believe in. Act in congruence with your values and follow through on your commitments.
Much of what we have learned about life was outside-in from our parents, schools, and cultures. They informed our beliefs and assigned meaning to our actions, often not in alignment with who we were inside. It set us up to constantly look outside ourselves for whatever we felt might be missing, causing us to mis-take and mis-place our power.
We hear a lot about paradigm shifts, which is simply changing our world views. We create the reality we think exists by the way we connect together our beliefs, values, and preceptions. Our filters do not allow us to see what we do not believe exists which basically includes everything outside of our 'box'.
We need to adopt a new world view which is (w)holistic; one world, one body that includes all life on the planet and the planet itself. What I do affects the whole, what you do affects the whole, not just the one or me (me-listic) or the few-listic; family, friends, community.
So changing our world view is a paradigm shift; from me-listic and few-listic to wholistic. Think in terms of our world as circular - what goes around comes around - rather than linear, straight lining, never to return to me.
The rise of people awakening to a sense of purposefulness and meaning that guides their life is accelerating. We need to encourage this, support this, and demonstate this through our actions.
Culitvating our interconnectedness and awareness of the subtle forces that pass between us gives us new capabilities and allows solutions to arise that have not yet been recognized.
Together let us hold Integrity as our aligning Angel for the month of October and build a world that reflects our highest values and deepest inner desires.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your heart, mind, and actions be one with integrity.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Faith for September, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Integrity into your life for the month of October.
9月のエンジェルは Faith(無条件の信頼)
精神的な疑いを経験するのは普通のことです。実際、疑いの時は私たちの最大の変容の瞬間につながる可能性があり、無条件の信頼への“can opener”となります。
心配は、無条件の信頼が入るのを待っている場所にはためく旗です。希望はマインドの中に生き、無条件の信頼はハートの中に生きます。 自分のマインドセットを捨てて、ハートがあなたを捕まえてくれるという自信を持ってください。偶然の経験や偶然の内面的な状態は存在しません。
Angel of September is Faith
~Inspirational Message~
The unshakable knowing of the heart when nothing makes sense to the mind. Optimism is an expression of faith in action.
Faith is the breath of God that animates our soul. We cannot see it, we can only feel it — when we pay attention. Doubt is the uncertainty that our source of spiritual power will be available to us in times of misfortune, pain, and illness. It is our minds way of protecting our past and holding on to it.
It is normal to experience spiritual doubt. In fact, times of doubt can lead to our greatest transformative moments and is the 'can' opener to faith.
The future is unknown and therefore brings with it a feeling of uncertainty. It is faith that teaches us to contemplate the invisible which is beyond our grasp and beyond our mind; not through the power of knowledge but the power of feeling.
Our faith connects the past to the future and gives us a kind of spiritual gravity. It reassures us that God is in the future just as in the present and past. All that is unknowable is held within God and that includes us, our families, friends, and all our collective well being; yesterday, today, and tomorrow in all ways.
Worry is a flag waving where faith is waiting to enter. Hope lives in the mind - faith lives in the heart. Fall out of your mindsets and have confidence your heart will catch you. There are no accidental experiences or chance inner states.
The spiritual dimensions of life are real, more real in fact than what we call life on this earth. Faith is the unifying principle that weaves together all experiences and creates a future where God lives in your heart always.
May this month provide a 'faith-lift' bringing you a refreshed outlook, renewed perspective and peaceful heart.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Balance in August, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Faith into your life for the month of September.
8月のエンジェルは Balance(バランス)
Angel of August is Balance
~Inspirational Message~
Hold a point of steadiness and moderation. Find a point of equilibrium and peaceful coexistence in the midst of change.
The Angel of Balance may seem somewhat dry and uninteresting as a focus this month. But then again, it just might be the homeopathic frequency needed for our individual and collective psyche to bring deep liberation to our lives.
The world climate is increasingly swirling. There is little or no time/space between events and there seems to be more and more need to double and some times triple task. Being out of balance shows up as fatigue, irritation, complacency, and distraction. It significantly lessens our capacity to be present and register continuity of the longer cycles of life.
When a point of balance is reached, there is freedom; an unbinding of time and space and absorption by the present moment. A liminal space opens between what no longer is and what is not yet. You lose the need to use your relationships and environments as a battle ground between the pairs of opposites.
The key is holding our inner vision steady and firming ourselves with calm, surety, and enduring stability for the greater cycles and not getting caught in the momentary constant swirlings.
Let go of striving to control; life, family members, others, events, pets, or anything else that over occupies your attention and focus on graceful segues, seamless transitions, and points of peaceful coexistence.
May the Angel of Balance open liminal spaces in your heart this month.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Support in July, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Balance into your life for the month of August.
7月のエンジェルは Support(サポート)
この 2 つのサポートの流れを区別し、癒しをもたらすことは必ずしも容易ではありません。結局のところ、優しさと真実を表現し、完全に自分らしくいられる能力は、私たちが人生について感じていることや私たちが大切にしていることに対する私たちのコミットメントの中に「魂的に」佇んでいます。
キャシー タイラー
Angel of July is Support
~Inspirational Message~
Stay connected and let others in. Widen your channel of giving and receiving.
Reach out with encouragement and be versatile and timely in your resourcefulness.
Support is often very subjective and can be confusing. How do you offer support, what do you give your energy to, what is for the highest, and how do you know what is best for yourself and others?
True support has two distinct aspects intertwined; love through the expression of gentleness and truth in the expression of realness. When we love without truth, we relate to others from the surface of ourselves, often in order not to make 'waves'. On the other hand, when we only relate from truth it tends to create a feeling of distance tainted with judgment and limitation.
Weaving gentleness and realness together brings about balance in our lives with others. Sometimes support calls for loving someone in a way that gives them what they feel they need…empathy, help, affection, or affirmation. Sometimes support needs to be for who they are inside as a soul and takes the form of confronting unconscious behavior, saying what you are really feeling, or requiring accountability for words or actions.
It is not always easy to make the distinction between these two currents of support and to bring about healing. In the end, our capacity to express gentleness and realness and be fully ourselves rests 'soul-ly' within our commitment to what we feel life is about and what we value.
Finding ways to balance these strands within us with the same gentleness and realness reveals and brings a deeper sense of authenticity to our actions. This ultimately supports our own and each other's inner nature with what it needs to flourish.
May your heart, mind, and actions be filled with gentle authentic support. We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Release for June, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Support into your life for the month of July.
6月のエンジェルは Release(手放す)
リリースの天使が、これからの 1 か月間、新しい人生、愛、充実感のための道を切り開き、空間を広げるお手伝いをしますように。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of June is Releace
~Inspirational Message~
Let go of all that keeps you in the past or takes you into the future.
This may include control, expectations, inhibitions, worry
or an outdated self-image.
At the core of every unhealthy behavior is a misconception about life and the way energetics really work. We unknowingly make conclusions that contract our awareness and hold these behaviors in place. We get overloaded with images, sounds, moods and the many sensations we pick up from our daily interactions with people and places.
We are now living in a time of unprecedented opportunities to evolve spiritually. As the energy accelerates, it stimulates the unconscious and compromises, resignations, and feelings of loss cannot remain suppressed any longer. As these surface and become conscious, we can lovingly review them and let go of the outdated misperceptions and fixed decisions we made prematurely — some even before we learned to speak.
Our work now is to free ourselves from suffering by allowing the contracted feelings to dissolve, unlearning old habits and developing new ones from our 'soul's' perspective. By continuously choosing to shift into the present moment, to a fresh space where we let go of our personal history and call forth the soul's reality, we undergo a truly heroic transformation.
It is not a long linear process to our best Self. The old world is slow and filled with gaps of separation and the need to dwell on the past. On the other hand, the new world is fast and based on interconnectedness, intuitive promptings, and courageous movement.
We are all at a turning point, one that requires each of us to release readily what no longer serves and prioritize our energies, focus, and actions in the world. And, the invitation is ongoing to set aside our doubts, preconditions, and impatience and choose instead to feel connected to life, flow, and synchronicity.
May the Angel of Release help you clear the way and open space for new life, love, and fulfillment throughout the coming month.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Light for May, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Release into your life for the month of June.
5月のエンジェルは Light(光)
注意してください! 細部までブラッシングし過ぎると、灰色で停滞した領域が創り出される可能性があります。
私たちは大きな変革の時代にいます。 降り注ぐ光は、私たちの霊的免疫力を強化し、地球全体の治癒を助けるポジティブな変化の力になる必要性を加速させています。 私たち一人ひとりは、より大きな自己責任へと前進し、既存のエネルギーフィールドに私たちの精神的な光を注入して新しい構成を作り出すよう求められています。
光は闇がないことではありません。 それは生命の流動的でダイナミックな本質です。 ライトワーカーであることは、熱心な人のための仕事であり、便利な趣味ではありません。 私たちが自分自身や世界一般について展開してきた多くの幻想から抜け出す時が来ています。
何らかの理由で離れてしまった自分自身の一部を我が家に呼び戻し、それらを心の中に受け入れる方法を見つければ見つけるほど、あなたのライトボディはより活気に満ちたものになります。 あなたが今この瞬間に楽しんでいる思考そのものが、あなたの未来を形作ります。 これはあらゆる瞬間とその後のすべての瞬間に当てはまります。
今月あなたの光を強化するための提案を 2 つ紹介します。 どちらも特別に簡単なわけではなく、どちらも自己修養と学習意欲が必要です。
まず、噂話をしないでください。 あなたが物語を伝えるにつれて、あなたと他の人の中の光が減少します。 他人を軽視することなく、各個人のユニークな貢献を認識することによって、私たちの個人的な力と意識を体験する時が来ています。 したがって選択は、私たちの言葉を通じて、内と外で、値びいて評価するか好意的に高く評価するかです。
次に、感情のトリガーをそのルーツまでたどります。 これは、感情が湧き上がってきたときにそれを表現するのではなく、むしろ感情を保持し、より深いダイナミックさを探求することで可能になります。 これは感情を抑えるのとは違います。 この違いを見分けるにはある程度の練習が必要かもしれません。 感情を表現すると、感情が解放され、理解が制限され、現在のトリガーで変容のプロセスが停止します。 この実践は、私たちが繰り返される苦しみに巻き込まれたり迷ったりすることを許さず、私たちを内面的に成熟させます。
Lightの天使は今月、あなたにレベルを上げ、周波数を高め、世界に向けて自分を表現する新しい方法を学ぶ機会をもたらします。 自分のエゴに新しい指示を与え、自分の魂の声に耳を傾け、自分の光を輝かせましょう。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of May is Light
~Inspirational Message~
Let your spiritual nature illuminate and brighten each day.
Pay attention! Brushing over details can create gray and stagnant areas.
We are in a time of great transformation. The inpouring of light is accelerating the need to strengthen our spiritual immunity and become a positive force of change to help our entire planetary body to heal. We are each being called to step forward into greater self-responsibility and infuse the pre-existing energy fields with our spiritual light to create new configurations.
Light is not the absence of darkness; it is the fluid and dynamic essence of life. Being a light worker is a task for the committed, not a hobby of convenience. It is time to extricate ourselves from the many illusions we have developed about ourselves and the world in general.
The more you call home the parts of yourself that have become separated for whatever reason, and find a way to accept them into your heart, the more vibrant your light body becomes. The very thoughts that you are entertaining at this moment shape your future. This applies to every moment and all the moments that follow.
Here are two suggestions for strengthening your light this month. Neither one is particularly easy and both require self-cultivation and willingness to learn.
First, do not gossip. It decreases the light within you and others as you pass along a story. It is time to experience our personal power and consciousness without diminishment of others but through the acknowledgement of the unique contribution of each individual. So, the choice is to depreciate or appreciate through our words internally and externally.
Second, follow your emotional triggers to their roots. You can do this by not expressing feelings as they arise, but rather holding them and exploring the deeper dynamic. This is different from suppressing the emotion. It may take some practice to discern this difference. To express the feelings discharges them, limits you’re understanding, and stops the process of transformation at the current trigger. This practice matures us internally by not allowing us to become entangled or lost in repeated suffering.
The Angel of Light brings you the opportunity this month to up level, increase your frequency, and learn a new way to show up in the world. Give your ego new instructions, listen to your soul, and let your light shine.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Harmony for April, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Light into your life for the month of May.
4月のエンジェルは Harmony(調和)
ハーモニーとは、異なるピッチが互いに補い合う関係です。 私たちの内にも周囲にもたくさんの声があり、時にはそれらが互いに明らかに不調和に聞こえます。 私たち一人ひとりが、人類の普遍的なオーケストラ表現における楽器であるとしたら、あなたはどの楽器であり、全体に貢献している音は何でしょうか?
私たちの奥深くに、選択の直前に生起する場所があります。 そこには、自らを創造する私たちの意識と潜在意識からの存在と方向性を待つ、形になっていない可能性が秘められています。 この場所に調子を合わせれば(調和をもたらせれば)、最高の道があなたの前に開かれます。 そうすることで、あなた自身、あなたが関係する人々、そしてあなたの環境を互いに同期させ、同調させます。 同調は、より小さな振動をより強い振動と共鳴させる自然で強力な現象です。
喜びを表現している人の前にいると、その人の喜びのエネルギーフィールドがあなた自身の喜びを表面に引き出し、一緒に同調します。 これは、この原則の他の現れにも、肯定的な意味でも否定的な意味でも当てはまります。
ここがあなたの出番です。最高のリズムと表現力を備えた楽器を選択することで、気分を高揚させ、調和させることができます。 自分の意図を強化し、自分の本質を思い出させる正しい指示を自分に与えることで、自分や他人の中にあるパターンの振動(周波数またはリズム)を積極的に変えることができます。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of April is Harmony
~Inspirational Message~
Listen to the highest rhythm of all the elements and bring them into concert with your essential nature.
Conduct your life accordingly.
Harmony is the relationship of different pitches that compliment each other. There are many voices, both within us and around us, and at times they sound in apparent discord with one another. If each one of us is an instrument in the universal orchestral expression of humankind - what instrument are you and what is the note you are contributing to the whole?
There is a place, deep in us, that occurs just before choice appears. It holds the unformed possibilities that await existence and direction from our conscious and subconscious creating selves. Attune (bring into harmonization) to this place and the highest path will open before you. In doing so, you bring yourself, those you relate to, and your environment into synchronization and entrainment with each other. Entrainment is a natural and powerful phenomenon that causes the lesser vibration to come into resonance with the stronger vibration.
When you are in the presence of a person who is expressing joy, the energy field of their joy brings your own joy to the surface, so you entrain together. This is true of other manifestations of this principle, in both positive and negative ways.
This is where you come in. Your choice to be an instrument of the highest rhythm and expression can uplift and harmonize. You can actively change the vibrations (frequency or rhythm) of patterns within you and others by strengthening your intention and giving yourself the correct instructions that remind you of your essential nature.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your heart and mind be in harmony and the path before you clear.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Grace in March, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Harmony into your life for the month of April.
3月のエンジェルは Grace(優美さ)
姿、態度、動作における落ち着きと優雅さ。 闘争を放棄し、宇宙があなたの人生の創造に参加できるようにしてください。
優美さは私たちの神経系を落ち着かせ、この世界での私たちの姿勢をリラックスさせる癒しの香油です。 それは私たちの魂に余裕を与え、柔らかいハートの深いところに保たれるようにします。
幸福感を奪う静的で逆境の世界において、優美さは善のオーラです。 あなたの活動に染み込ませて、静かな状態を取り戻しましょう。
今月は優美な音を響かせましょう。 独り言であっても、他の人と話すときであっても、あなたの言葉は優美さの救いをもたらすことができます。 言葉は、癒したり傷つけたり、結びつけたり切り離したりするための道具です。 あなたの言葉によって、優美な癒しの香油のように、人類の神経系を励まし、和らげ、落ち着かせてください。
優美さという概念は、私たちの存在の神秘を直接示しています。 それを定義したり、戦略化したり、コントロールしたりすることはできません。 けれども、私たちは神聖な空間を保ち、神聖な状態を培うことによって、優美さの線上に自分自身を置くことができます。
内側の変容と覚醒の段階的なプロセスは、私たちが現実を経験する方法を変化させ、新しい質の情報をもたらします。 意識の再構築が起こり、存在するすべてのものの中に、すべてのものを通して、そしてすべてのものを超えて存在する神性への感受性が高まり、それを知覚し、それに関わり、それに応答するようになります。
優美さは宇宙の自然な秩序への目覚めです。 あなたの魂の旅は、ただ存在の放射として生き、優美さが流れる器となることを学ぶことなのかもしれません。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of March is Grace
~Inspirational Message~
Poise and elegance in form, attitude, and action. Give up struggle and allow the universe to participate in the creation of your life.
Grace is a healing balm that soothes our nervous system and relaxes our stance in the world. It gives margins to our souls allowing them to be held in the deep state of a soft heart.
In a world of static and adversity that robs feelings of happiness, Grace is the aura of goodness. Allow it to saturate your activities and restore your state of calmness.
Sound a Grace note this month. Your words can bring the remedy of grace, whether it is your own self talk or when speaking with another. Words are an instrument to heal or wound, to connect or separate. Let your words encourage, ease, and soothe the nervous system of humanity with the healing balm of grace.
The idea of Grace points directly to the mystery of our being. It can not be defined, strategized, or controlled. But, we can place ourselves in the direct line of grace by holding sacred space and cultivating sacred conditions.
The gradual process of interior transformation and awakening changes the way we experience reality and brings a new quality of information. A restructuring of consciousness takes place that empowers us to perceive, relate, and respond with increasing sensitivity to the divine presence in, through, and beyond everything that exists.
Grace is awakening to the natural order of the universe. Maybe your soul's journey is simply learning to live as an emanation of presence and be a vessel through which Grace flows.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your heart be happy and your presence filled with Grace.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Risk in February, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Grace into your life for the month of March.
2月のエンジェルは Risk(リスク)
快適ゾーンから抜け出し、未知の世界へ踏み出しましょう。 大胆に、目に見えて、慎重に大胆に行動しましょう。
リスクを取るには、信念と信頼を築く一定レベルの意欲が必要です。 それは、未知の世界に移行し、結果を確信することなく、自分の行動の潜在的な結果に喜んで直面することを意味します。
慎重に大胆なリスクを冒すことは、私たちの精神的な気づきを深める強力な方法です。 快適ゾーンから抜け出し、役に立たなくなった古いパターンや習慣を手放すには、勇気と傷つきやすさが必要です。 リスクを冒して、周りの世界についての自分の理解に再度アクセスし、時代遅れの信念に立ち向かってください。
リスクを冒し、恐怖を手放し、今この瞬間を歓迎することを学ぶにつれて、解放と自由の感覚がもたらされます。 それは私たち自身、他者、そして神とのつながりを深めます。
さらに、リスクを取ることは、新しいアイデアやアプローチを模索する際に、創造性と革新性を表現する方法にもなりえます。 これは、私たちの直観と内なる導きを活用し、人生の流れを信頼することを伴うので、それ自体がスピリチュアルな実践です。
今月は、不安を抱えながら踊り、人生を最大限に生きましょう。 恐怖を手放し、今この瞬間を歓迎しましょう。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of February is Risk
~Inspirational Message~
Step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown. Be bold, visible, and mindfully daring.
Dance with uncertainty and live your life to the fullest.
Taking risks requires a certain level of willingness to build faith and trust. It means moving into the unknown and being willing to face the potential consequences of our actions, without being certain of the outcome.
Mindfully daring risks are a powerful way to deepen our spiritual awareness. It requires courage and vulnerability to step out of our comfort zone and let go of old patterns and habits that no longer serve us. Take the risk and choose to re-access your understanding of the world around you and confront outdated beliefs.
The rewards of such exploration can be profound as we gain new insights and perspectives that lead to a deeper spiritual connection and a greater sense of purpose and meaning in our lives.
To risk can bring feelings of liberation and freedom as we learn to let go of fear and welcome the present moment. It will deepen our connection to ourselves, others, and the divine.
In addition, taking risks can also be a way of expressing creativity and innovation, as we explore new ideas and approaches. This is a spiritual practice in itself, as it involves tapping into our intuition and inner guidance and trusting in the flow of life.
The spiritual quality of risk lies in the ability to challenge ourself to step beyond our limitations, trust in ourselves and the universe, and embrace the unknown with courage and openness.
This month, dance with uncertainty and live your life to the fullest. Let go of fear and welcome the present moment. Risk loving more fully yourself, others, and the universe.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Wisdom in January, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Risk into your life for the month of February.
1月のエンジェルは Wisdom(知恵)
私は平静の祈りの始まりを思い出します。 「神よ、変えられないものを受け入れる平静さと、変えられるものを変える勇気と、違いを見分ける知恵を私に与えてください。」
しかし、どうやって? 私たちが変えられることが明らかな場合もあれば、感情で覆い隠されている場合もあります。 私たちの旅のための内側の状況を培うことは、私たちの条件付けと執着を注意深く調べることを意味します。 知恵は経験と成熟を伴い、学びを生き、ありのまま、ありのままを受け入れます。
私たちの知恵にアクセスするには、常に意識して存在し、注意を払うためにできる限りのことを行い、学んだことはすべて活用し、最高のテクニック、最高の態度、最高の理解を携え、それを今すぐに適用することが必要です。 これはあなたの心の奥深くの輝かしい知恵を呼び覚まし、創造的な瞬間を育みます。
すべての古代文化には、伝統を保存し維持する知恵の守護者のグループが内在しています。 これらの隠された教えは私たちの心の流れの中にあり、進化の衝動についての理解を明らかにし、強化し、私たちの集合的な認識の古い形を揺るがすこの時代に確信を与えてくれます。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of January is Wisdom
~Inspirational Message~
Wisdom arises from experience, a deep heart, and willingness to learn.
Add your maturity and inner knowing to spiritually nourish each creative moment.
The wisdom of the inevitable is a great teacher - beginnings, endings, need to eat and sleep, the cycles of nature, our bodies as we go though life.
I am reminded of the beginning of the Serenity Prayer; 'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.'
This is the task and the challenge - to know the difference.
But how? Sometimes what we can change is obvious and at other times it is masked with emotion. Cultivating an internal context for our journey means a close examination of our conditionings and attachments. Wisdom comes with experience and maturity, living our learning, allowing what is, and is, and is.
Accessing our wisdom comes though being mindfully present, doing all that we can to pay attention, using whatever we have learned, bringing the best techniques we have, the best attitude we have, the best understanding we have, and applying it right now. This evokes the deep luminous wisdom of your heart and nourishes each creative moment.
Every ancient culture has an inner group of wisdom keepers who preserve and maintain the traditions. These hidden teachings are within our mind streams, ready to reveal and enhance our understanding of the evolutional impulse, and give us certainty in these times of shaking the old from our collective perceptions.
May the Wisdom of the Ancient Ones unlock your memories and light your way home.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Light in December, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Wisdom into your life for the month of January.
12月のエンジェルは Light(光)
あなたの精神性を輝かせ、毎日を明るくしましょう。 注意してください! 細部まで磨き上げてしまうと、灰色で停滞した領域を作り出してしまう可能性があります。
私たちは大きな変革の時代にいます。 降り注ぐ光は、私たちが精神的免疫力を強化すること、そして私たちの惑星全体が癒されるのを助けるために、ポジティブな変化の力になることの必要性を加速させています。 私たち一人ひとりは、より大きな自己責任へと前進し、既存のエネルギーフィールドに私たちの精神の光を注入して新しい構成を作り出すよう求められています。
光は闇がないことではありません。 それは生命の流動的でダイナミックな本質です。 ライトワーカーであることは、熱心な人のための仕事であり、都合のいい趣味ではありません。 私たちが自分自身や世界一般について展開してきた多くの幻想から抜け出す時が来ています。
何らかの理由で離れてしまった自分自身の一部を呼び戻し、それらをハートに受け入れる方法を見つければ見つけるほど、あなたのライトボディはより活気に満ちたものになります。 あなたが今この瞬間に楽しんでいるその思考こそが、あなたの未来を形作ります。 これはあらゆる瞬間とその後のすべての瞬間に当てはまります。
今月あなたの光を強化するための提案をが二つあります。 どちらも特別に簡単なわけではなく、どちらも自己修養と学習意欲が必要です。
まず、噂話をしないでください。 あなたが物語を伝えるにつれて、あなたと他の人の中の光が減少します。 他人を軽視することではなく、人それぞれの独自の貢献を認識することを通じて、私たちの個人的な力と意識を体験する時が来ています。 したがって、選択は、自分の内外で、言葉を使って人を軽視するか、それとも好意的に評価するかです。
次に、感情のトリガーをそのルーツまでたどります。 これは、感情が湧き上がってきたときにそれを表現するのではなく、むしろ感情を保持し、より深いダイナミックさを探求することで可能になります。 これは感情を抑えるのとは違います。 この違いを見分けるにはある程度の練習が必要かもしれません。 感情を表現すると、感情が解放され、理解が制限され、現在のトリガーで変容のプロセスが停止します。 この実践は、私たちが繰り返される苦しみに巻き込まれたり迷ったりすることを許さず、私たちを内面的に成熟させます。
光の天使は今月、あなたにレベルを上げ、周波数を高め、世界に現れる新しい方法を学ぶ機会をもたらします。 自分のエゴに新しい指示を与え、自分の魂の声に耳を傾け、自分の光を輝かせましょう。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of December is Light
~Inspirational Message~
Let your spiritual nature illuminate and brighten each day. Pay attention! Brushing over details can create gray and stagnant areas.
We are in a time of great transformation. The inpouring of light is accelerating the need to strengthen our spiritual immunity and become a positive force of change to help our entire planetary body to heal. We are each being called to step forward into greater self-responsibility and infuse the pre-existing energy fields with our spiritual light to create new configurations.
Light is not the absence of darkness; it is the fluid and dynamic essence of life. Being a light worker is a task for the committed, not a hobby of convenience. It is time to extricate ourselves from the many illusions we have developed about ourselves and the world in general.
The more you call home the parts of yourself that have become separated for whatever reason, and find a way to accept them into your heart, the more vibrant your light body becomes. The very thoughts that you are entertaining at this moment shape your future. This applies to every moment and all the moments that follow.
Here are two suggestions for strengthening your light this month. Neither one is particularly easy and both require self-cultivation and willingness to learn.
First, do not gossip. It decreases the light within you and others as you pass along a story. It is time to experience our personal power and consciousness without diminishment of others but through the acknowledgement of the unique contribution of each individual. So, the choice is to depreciate or appreciate through our words internally and externally.
Second, follow your emotional triggers to their roots. You can do this by not expressing feelings as they arise, but rather holding them and exploring the deeper dynamic. This is different from suppressing the emotion. It may take some practice to discern this difference. To express the feelings discharges them, limits your understanding, and stops the process of transformation at the current trigger. This practice matures us internally by not allowing us to become entangled or lost in repeated suffering.
The Angel of Light brings you the opportunity this month to up level, increase your frequency, and learn a new way to show up in the world. Give your ego new instructions, listen to your soul, and let your light shine.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Love for November, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Light into your life for the month of December.
11月のエンジェルは Willingness(意欲)
意欲とは、私たちの人間性と神聖な性質の間の接続点を拡大する、内面の油断のなさです。 それは、安定、受容、準備、対応の実践です。必ずしもこの順序で行う必要はありません。
それは、現在の考え方を超えた動きにチャレンジして、自分自身と他者の両方の内側において、現状を打破する可能性があることを意味します。 私たちの外側の世俗的な自己だけが常に進化しているのではなく、より高い世界に属することが何を意味するかを理解するにつれて、私たちの内なるスピリチュアルな自己も進化していることを忘れないでください。
展開する現在を歓迎する新しい方法は、傲慢から無価値まで、受け身から攻撃までのスペクトルを手放すことから生まれます。 すべては恥に根ざしています。 人生の自然な流れの中で、起こってほしいことがあります。 実体のあるものは、強制的に存在させたり、強制的に存在しなくさせたりすることはできません。
意欲は視点を促し、私たちを内なる導きにオープンにさせ、いつ行動するのが正しいのかをより明確に知ることができるようにします。 意欲は、私たちの生活、交流、そして最も重要なことに、私たちが今いる時代に安らぎと優雅さをもたらします。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of November is Willingness
~Inspirational Message~
Approach life with an open mind and a how-can-we-make-it-work attitude.
Use your will skillfully to enhance the creative process rather than inhibit it.
Willingness is an inner alertness that magnifies the connecting point between our human and divine natures. It is the practice of steadiness, receptivity, readiness, and response — not necessarily in that order.
It means you may upset the status quo, both within yourself and others, challenging movement beyond current ways of thinking. Remember, not only our outer worldly selves are in a constant state of evolving, but so are our inner spiritual selves as we realize what it means to belong to a higher world.
Are you willing to undo your belief systems to accelerate change?
New ways of welcoming the unfolding present moment results from letting go of the spectrum of arrogance to unworthiness, and passivity to aggression; all rooted in shame. There are things that want to happen in the natural flow of life. Nothing of substance can be forced into or out of existence.
Willingness encourages perspective and opens us to our inner guidance allowing a clearer knowing of when the moment is right to act. Willingness brings ease and grace into our lives, our interactions, and most importantly into the times we are in now!
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May you be willing to share your magnificence, your love, and your deep connection to your Divine.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Love for the month of October take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Willingness into your life for the month of November.
10月のエンジェルは Love(愛)
満足の本質であり、静けさの基礎。 愛は、あなたのスピリットが、つながりを作ろうと手を差し出して活動を始めることです。 それは悲しみを克服し、悪意を抱かせず、そして、すべての分離を癒します。
愛は振動する周波数です。 それは私たちの魂の本質の感覚であり、ソースとの直接のつながりです。 この周波数に同調すると、私たちは本当の自分とのより緊密な関係を育みます。
愛は私たちが持っているものではなく、むしろ私たちそのものです。 このエッセンスを人、人々のグループ、場所、動物に広げると、私たちのハートの奥底に輝く神秘が形成され、それが、深い喜びと情熱とともに、私たち自身を超えて広がります。
私たちは皆、親密な感覚を求めています。 自分の源とつながっていて、我が家にいるような感覚です。 多くの場合、自然やペットとの関係では、、これにアクセスしやすいものです。 けれども、私たちの愛する能力が最も頻繁に試されるのは、私たちのお互いの関係においてです。
経験や交流の周りにスペースを与えることで、そこに余白が生まれ、私たちは、その経験や交流の内容のどこに愛があるのかを探すという判断をするよりは、その内容を包み込んでいる愛で満たすことができるのです。 これにより、私たちの世界観と内側の志向が変わります。 私たちは、内なる世界が平和になるように、外の世界を操作しようとするのをやめます。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of October is Love
~Inspirational Message~
The essence of contentment and the foundation of serenity. Love is the activation of your spirit reaching out to make connections. It overcomes grief, harbors no ill will and heals all separation.
If the experiences we have are a result of our selective perceptions, why not adjust our lens and look through the windows of love instead of fear, righteousness, loneliness, guilt, etc.?
Love is a vibrational frequency. It is the feeling nature of our soul and our direct connection to the Source. When we tune into this frequency, we nurture a closer relationship to our true selves.
Love is not something we have, but rather something we are. When we extend this essence to a person, group of people, a place, or an animal a luminous mystery forms in the depths of our hearts and extends out beyond ourselves with deep joy and passion.
We all seek a feeling of belonging; a feeling of being home connected with our Source. It is often easier to access this in relationship with nature or a pet. But it is in our relationships with one another that our love-ablity is most often challenged.
Giving space around experiences and interactions give us margins we can fill with love that contains the content -- rather than judgement that searches the content for where the love might be. This shifts our worldview and our interior orientation. We stop trying to manipulate the outer world so that our inner world can be at peace.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your heart experience love with ever increasing 'frequency'.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Compassion for the month of September take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Love into your life for the month of October."
9月のエンジェルは Compassion(慈悲 愛ある深い思いやり)
自分自身と他者の痛みを含む人間の状態を心から理解することで、批判がなくなり、受容への道が開かれます。 苦しみを和らげたいという心からの願い。
私たちはエネルギーの痕跡を通じて、周囲の人々と常につながっています。 私たちが触れるものすべてに私たちのサインが刻まれています。 私たちが意図的であればあるほど、私たちのサインは長く残り、私たちのタッチの影響力は大きくなります。 私たちの思考や感情にも同じことが当てはまり、より強く繰り返されるほど、それらはより長く「生き」ます。
自分自身と他者の両方に対して思いやりのある性質を育てることは、傷を許容し、ありのままに存在する能力を育む癒しの香油として機能します。 それは私たちに批判的な心からの避難所を与え、心を開かせてくれます。
慈悲の心を育むことは生涯にわたる実践であり、経験と知的な心の開花を伴います。 冷淡さ、哀れみ、同情、愛情深い優しさ、思いやりの機微を敏感に察知する心。
時々、私たちは思いやりに疲れて、人間であることのジレンマから自分自身を切り離してしまうことがあります。 おそらくそれがうつ病、ストレス、自分を尊ぶことの欠如が広範に広まった原因ではないかと思います。 私たちは常にメディアによってトラウマを負っており、それが私たちの心を疲弊させるエネルギー的な痕跡を生み出します。
人間の経験「について」何もする必要はありません。 私たちは皆、行動を起こすトリガーポイントを持っています。 問うべきはこうです。私たちの行動は愛のドミノ効果につながりますか? それとも分離のドミノ効果ですか?
Kathy Tyler
Angel of September is Compassion
~Inspirational Message~
Heartfelt understanding of the human condition that encompasses the pain in oneself and others, dissolves judgment and opens the way for acceptance. A sincere desire to alleviate suffering.
Compassion is an energetic emanation from the essential part of us that holds the 'will to good'.
We are in constant connection with those around us though our energetic imprints. Every thing we touch is imbued with our signature. The more intentional we are, the longer our signature lingers and the greater the influence of our touch. The same is true of our thoughts and feelings, the stronger and more repetitive, the longer they 'live'.
Cultivating a compassionate nature, for both ourselves and others, acts as a healing balm that helps us tolerate hurts and nurtures our ability to be with what is. It gives us refuge from our judging minds and allows our hearts to open.
Without compassion, we cannot see the truth and pass through the suffering to trust in a greater reality.
The cultivation of compassion is a life-long practice, it comes with experience and the flowering of an intelligent heart. A heart that is perceptive to the subtleties of indifference, pity, sympathy, loving kindness, and caring.
Sometimes, we can become compassion-fatigued and separate ourselves from the dilemma of being human. I think it maybe a wide spread cause of depression, stress, and lack of self worth. We are constantly being traumatized by the media and this creates energetic imprints that can exhaust us out of our hearts.
There is no need to do anything 'about' the human experience. We all have our trigger points that move us to action. The question is; does our action lead to a domino effect of love or separation?
Just for this month, practice the art of compassion through touch, thought, and feeling with the intention of leaving an energetic signature that animates the will to good and love for humanity.
May you be wrapped in the wings of the Angel of Compassion and invite in all those around you.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Awakening for the month of August take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Compassion into your life for the month of September.
8月のエンジェルは Awakening(目覚め)
あなたの眠っている部分、無感覚になっている部分、または忘れられている部分を太陽に照らしてみましょう。 目から眠りをこすりとって、新しい夜明けを迎えましょう。
私たちは荒れ狂う水面を乗り越えるという課題に直面しています。 精神的な目覚めは、意識と知覚のシフトを伴う、深遠な変容の経験です。
それは、自分の内側で自分の本当の質について理解がおきること、そして、より高次の、または超越的な実在とのつながりとして説明できます。 経験は人によって異なりますが、精神的な目覚めにはいくつかの共通の特徴があります。
存在しなかったものが今現れているということではありません。 それはむしろ、常にそこにあり、そこにあることが知られていたけれども、忘れられていたものの存在を認識するようになることに似ています。
人が目覚めて本当の状況に気づくとき、多くの場合、深い内なる混乱が生じることがあります。 私たちは、自分のアイデンティティの大部分が、親、教師、友人、そして他人に自分をどう見てほしいかによって形作られてきたことに気づきます。
私たちはこれを、私たちが誰であるかの基準点として採用してきました。 私たちが普段自分だと思っている人物は、その目標、恐怖、欲望、問題に夢中になっています。
表面の下には深くて広大な本物の自己がありますが、その存在は通常、ニーズや要求を伴う小さな「私」の雑音によってベールに包まれています。 小さな自己とより大きな自己の間のこの混乱は、人間の状態に関する幻想の核心であり、この蜃気楼を貫くことこそが目覚めということなのです。
現在の地球上の混乱の真っ只中に新しいパラダイムの世界をうまく創造するには、日常生活へのより光に満ちた包括的なアプローチを発見する必要があります。 深く耳を傾け、直感のようなものに基づいて行動することによって、私たちは真の自己の本能的な衝動への整合性を修正し、洗練させることができます。
自分の奥深くで眠っている記憶を呼び起こし、覚醒への主要な障害を癒すという意図を持って、あなたの神聖な存在を呼び起こしてください。 二度と忘れることのないほど確実に、真の自己を思い出すためのエネルギーの開通を求めてください。
目覚めの天使の放射があなたのこれからの月を満たしますように。 あなたが自分の起源を思い出し、新たな夜明けを迎えられますように。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of August is Awakening
~Inspirational Message~
Let the sun illuminate parts of you that are dormant, numb, or forgotten. Rub the sleep from your eyes and welcome the new dawn.
We are being challenged to navigate turbulent waters. A spiritual awakening is a profound and transformative experience that involves a shift in consciousness and perception.
It often comes as a deep realization of the interconnectedness of all things, a heightened sense of awareness, and a deeper understanding of one's true self and purpose in life.
It can be described as an inner realization of one's true nature and connection to a higher or transcendent reality. While the experience may vary from person to person, there are some common characteristics of a spiritual awakening.
It is not that something that was not there is now manifest. It is more like becoming cognizant of the presence of something that has always been there and known to be there, but forgotten.
When one awakens and realizes the true state of affairs, there can often be a deep inner disturbance that arrises. We realize a large part of our identities have been sculpted by our parents, teachers, friends, and how we want others to see us.
We have carried this as our reference point of who we are; the person we normally take ourselves to be - preoccupied with its goals, fears, desires, and issues.
Beneath the surface is a deep and vast Authentic Self, but its presence is usually veiled by the noise of the smaller 'I' with its needs and demands. This confusion between the small self and larger Self is at the core of the illusion of the human condition, and penetrating this mirage is what awakening is all about.
Before recognizing greater realities that are more extensive and multidimensional, it is a good idea to first learn to handle our own energy and be accountable for the consequences and results of our thoughts and emotions.
Because, as we awaken, they automatically and immediately are translated into action.
For us to successfully create a new paradigm world in the midst of the current planetary chaos, we must discover a more light filled and inclusive approach to everyday life. By deep listening and acting on what feels like intuition, we can correct and refine our alignment to the instinctual impulses of our Authentic Self.
Invoke your Divine Presence with the intention to allow dormant memories deep within to stir and heal key obstacles to your wakefulness. Ask for an energetic opening to remember your True Self - with such certainty that you will never forget again.
May the emanations of the Angel of Awakening fill your month ahead. May you remember your origin and welcome the new dawn.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Acceptance for the month of July take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Awakening into your life for the month of August.
7月のエンジェルは Acceptance(受容)
価値の無い霧を晴らしましょう。 前に進んで、あなたに贈られる人生をそのまま受け入れてください。
自己受容は、私たちが内側に持っているギフトです。それは私たちが何者なのか、そして私たちが何者でないのかを受け入れ、抱きしめてくれます。 私たちのものの見方を広げてくれ、その結果、私たちは人生の多くのパラドックスを全体の一部として含めることができるようになります。
受け入れることは私たちの内側と周囲の葛藤のレベルを下げ、変化を引き起こします。 それは私たちを現実との闘いから解放し、これまで存在しなかった新しい可能性が私たちに開かれます。
受け入れることで私たちのエネルギーが解放されます。 それは祝福であり、判断や恐れ、疑いを溶かし、好き嫌いを持たずにその瞬間の真実に身を委ねることを可能にする優しい雨です。
今月は、あなたが拒否したり反対したりする経験を探してください。 受け入れることが不可能に見える場合は、正しい/間違っている、良い/悪い、有罪/無罪などに分けて考える防衛反応を緩める練習をしてください。 そして心をその固定観念から解き放ちましょう。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of June is Purification
~Inspirational Message~
Let the mist of unworthiness evaporate. Move forward and embrace life as it presents itself to you.
Practice the art of inclusion and allowing.
Self-acceptance is a gift of internal belonging that embraces who we are and who we are not. It widens our perception so that we can include the many paradoxes of life.
Acceptance reduces the conflict levels inside and around us and invokes change. It releases us from the struggle against reality and then new possibilities can open up to us that did not exist before.
Acceptance frees up our energy. It is a benediction, a blessing, a gentle rain that melts judgments, fears and doubts, and allows us to surrender to the truth of the moment without preferences.
It animates the big picture, welcomes a higher reality, and extends an invitation to embody our Human nature and our greater Being nature – in doing so, conflict ceases and we become one presence.
This month, look for experiences that you are rejecting or pushing against. If acceptance does not seem possible, practice relaxing your protective response that splits perceptions into division of right/wrong, good/bad, guilt/innocence. And let the mind unlock from its fixations.
May the Angel of Acceptance wrap its wings around you and hug you tightly filling you with acceptance then offer it freely to all you meet.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Risk for the month of June take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Acceptance into your life for the month of July.
6月のエンジェルは Purification(浄化)
光のシャワーであなたの思考、感情、行動を浄化しましょう。 自分の本質を覆うドラマを洗い流してください。
これは内なる行動への呼びかけです! 自分の人格と神性の上にしっかりと立つのです。 何らかの形で不平を言い、非難し、判断し、自分や他人を軽視するという贅沢は、もはや、責任のない行為が蔓延する世界で自分の立場を維持する「理由」にはなりません。
障害となっているあなたのものの見方、あなたが蓄積したイメージ、パターン、自己概念、投影を全て取り除いてください。浄化は、あなたの魂のアイデンティティの隠された可能性を明らかにするプロセスです。 ある時点で、あなたの魂はあなたの本当の性質に透明になります。
自己実現と自分の経験の認識は、アイデンティティは同じままで、自分の意識に現れる内容だけが変化する展開として継続します。 これは啓示であり、真に見ることです。
整理整頓を始めることを検討してください。 クローゼットやガレージを、そしてどこであれ物を積み上げている場所を片づけましょう。 過去1年間に使用しなかったものはすべて捨ててください。 これは決定が遅れており、今すぐ行動する必要があることを表しています。
天使たちがあなたの人生で輝き続けることを願っています。 自分の心の中にある善や出会った人の善を決して過小評価しないでください。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of June is Purification
~Inspirational Message~
Let a shower of light cleanse your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Wash away the drama that covers your essential nature.
This is it a call to inner-action! Stand firm in your person-ality and divine-ality. The luxury of complaining, blaming, judging, discounting yourself or others in any way is no longer 'reason' for holding to your place in a world of unaccounted for acts.
Un-clutter your perceptions; all your accumulated images, patterns, self-concepts and projections. Purification is a process of revealing the hidden potential of your souls identity. At some point, your soul becomes transparent to your true nature.
Self-realization and awareness of your experience continues as an unfoldment in which the identity stays the same and only the content that presents itself to our awareness changes. This is revelation, true seeing.
Is this month an opportunity to uncover and remove another veil obscuring your essential nature?
Consider beginning to un-clutter; clear out your closet, garage, and anywhere you have stuff stacked. Anything you have not used in the last year, toss it. It represents a delayed decision that needs action now!
We hope the Angels continue to shine in your life. Never under estimate the good in your heart and those you meet.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Risk for the month of May take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Purification into your life for the month of June.
5月のエンジェルは Risk(リスク)
心地よいゾーンから出て、未知の世界へ。 勇敢に、見てわかるように、そして注意深く大胆に。
リスクを取るには、信念と信頼を築くためのある程度の意欲が必要です。 それは、未知の世界に足を踏み入れ、成果を確信することなく、自分の行動の潜在的な結果に進んで直面することを意味します。
慎重に大胆なリスクを冒すことは、私たちの精神的な気づきを深める強力な方法です。 心地よいゾーンから出て、もはや役に立たない古いパターンや習慣を手放すには、勇気と傷つきやすさが必要です。 信念に立ち向かい、周りの世界に対する私たちの理解にアクセスし直すことを選択します。
危険を冒すことは、恐怖を手放し、今この瞬間を歓迎することを学ぶにつれて、解放と自由の感覚をもたらします。 私たちは自分自身、他者、そして神とのつながりを深めます。
さらに、リスクを冒すことは、新しいアイデアやアプローチを探求する際に、創造性と革新を表現する方法にもなります。 これは、私たちの直感と内なる導きを活用し、人生の流れを信頼することを含むため、それ自体が精神的な実践です.
今月は、不確実さを抱えて踊り、人生を最大限に生きましょう。 恐れを手放し、今この瞬間を歓迎しましょう。 自分自身、他の人、そして宇宙をもっと完全に愛する危険を冒してください。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of May is Risk
~Inspirational Message~
Step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown. Be bold, visible, and mindfully daring.
Dance with uncertainty and live your life to the fullest.
Taking risks requires a certain level of willingness to build faith and trust. It means moving into the unknown and being willing to face the potential consequences of our actions, without being certain of the outcome.
Mindfully daring risks are a powerful way to deepen our spiritual awareness. It requires courage and vulnerability to step out of our comfort zone and let go of old patterns and habits that no longer serve us. Choosing to confront beliefs and re-access our understanding of the world around us.
The rewards of such exploration can be profound as we gain new insights and perspectives that lead to a deeper spiritual connection and a greater sense of purpose and meaning in our lives.
To risk brings a feeling of liberation and freedom as we learn to let go of fear and welcome the present moment. We deepen our connection to ourselves, others, and the divine.
In addition, taking risks can also be a way of expressing creativity and innovation, as we explore new ideas and approaches. This is a spiritual practice in itself, as it involves tapping into our intuition and inner guidance, and trusting in the flow of life.
The spiritual quality of risk lies in the ability to challenge us to step beyond our limitations, trust in ourselves and the universe, and embrace the unknown with courage and openness.
This month, dance with uncertainty and live your life to the fullest. Let go of fear and welcome the present moment. Risk loving more fully yourself, others, and the universe.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Discernment for the month of April take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Risk into your life for the month of May.
4月のエンジェルは Discernment(識別力)
あなたの鋭い眼力を使って、明確な区別と賢明な選択をしてください。 内なる羅針盤に自信を持って前進してください。
識別力は、私たちの人生における魂の衝動を認識することです。 それは、今この瞬間に秘められた力に気づいて行動する直感的な能力を構築します。 識別力は、自分の価値観、信念、過去の行動、現在の希望、将来の夢の個人的な目録を定期的に作成することを要求します。
私たちは自分の信念に基づいて生きています。 私たちの行動は、私たちの信念の結果です。 私たちの意識は私たちに反映されます。 自分たちが探しているものが見つかるのです。 ですから、問題は「私たちの信念はどこから来るのか?」ということです。 圧倒的な答えは「他の人たちが言ったから」だと思います。 私たちの信念を構成する独自の考えはほとんどありません。 個人として、私たちは何世代にもわたって形成されてきた仮定によって定義されています。
けれども、もし私たちがそれ以上だとしたらどうでしょうか。 もし私たちが夢の長い夜から目覚めようとしている強力な存在だとしたら? もし私たちが啓示の転換点にあり、私たちの起源の深い知識と、それによって世界平和をもたらす能力を明らかにしようとしているとしたら? 全体とのつながりを感じ、それを現実として行動を選択するとどんな感じでしょうか。 今日はどのように違いますか? この認識はあなたの行動にどのように影響しますか?
今月、識別の天使があなたの人生を照らしてくれることを願っています。 あなたのハートとマインドがあなたの魂の存在を識別して、抱きしめてくれますように。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of April is Discernment
~Inspirational Message~
Use your sharp-sightedness to make clear distinctions and wise choices. Move forward with confidence in your inner compass.
Discernment is the recognition of the soul's impulse within our lives. It builds our intuitive ability to act with an awareness of the power that is concealed within the present moment. Discernment requires that we regularly take a personal inventory of our values, beliefs, past actions, present hopes, and future dreams.
We live our lives based on what we believe. Our actions are a result of our beliefs. Our consciousness is reflected back to us. What we look for we will find. So, the question is 'where do our beliefs come from?'. I would guess the overwhelming answer is 'from what others have told us'. We have very few original thoughts that comprise our beliefs. As individuals, we are defined by assumptions that have been formed over generations.
But, what if we are more than this? What if we are powerful beings about to awaken from a long night of dreams? What if we are at a tipping point of illumination, on the verge of uncovering the deep knowing of our origin and with it the capacity to bring about global peace? What would it be like to feel our connections to the whole and choose our actions based on this as reality? How would you be different today? How would this realization influence your actions?
Our collective challenge and opportunity is to surrender the illusions that keep us cocooned in assumptions and limitations. And, like the caterpillar, dissolve into our imaginal selves and redefine the world envisioning a future that welcomes the butterfly.
We hope the Angel of Discernment will illuminate your life this month. May your heart and mind discern and embrace the presence of your soul.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Tenderness for the month of March take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Discernment into your life for the month of April.
3月のエンジェルは Tenderness(優しさ)
あなたのハートの叡智を反映する行動をとってください。 寛大に惜しみなく与え、自分にも他人にも優しさと思いやりをもって接してください。
先月、Transformationの天使は個人的にも集団的にも多くの人に深い動きをもたらしました。 幻想の世界が真の現実の世界に向かって引き寄せられると、引っ張られているところに優しさが生み出されます。 時には私たち自身の核心が引き裂かれます。
私たちは分離の苦しみを感じ、痛みを避けたり軽減したりするためなら何でもすることがよくあります。 全体を出現させ、私たちの最も深い癒しを生じさせるのは、まさにこれらの優しさのポイントです。
私たちは長い間準備してきた時代にいますが、ほとんど毎日のように表面化している劣化と混沌の量は驚くばかりです。 この目覚めの時、もはや否定したりレフレーミングしたり避けたりできないものを見たり感じたりする時にあって、それは私たちの息の根を止め、私たちの精神を気絶させることができるほどです。
時間をかけて、自分の中で何が起きているのか、何を保持し、励まし、サポートする必要があるのかに耳を傾けてください。 私たちはそれぞれ、私たちの精神を育むものを見つけ、優しい愛情のこもった配慮と落ち着きの香油でお互いを抱きしめ、お互いが私たちの精神的な存在に立つことができるようにする必要があります.
Kathy Tyler
Angel of March is Tenderness
~Inspirational Message~
Take actions that reflect the wisdom of your heart. Give generously and freely, and treat yourself and others with kindness and caring.
Last month the Angel of Transformation brought deep movement for many both individually and collectively. As the world of illusion pulls against the world of true reality, it creates a tenderness at the tug points; sometimes tearing at the very core of ourselves.
We feel the suffering of separation and will often do anything to avoid or mitigate the pain. It is these very points of tenderness that allow the emergence of the whole and signal where our deepest healing can occur.
We are in the times we have so long prepared for and yet the amount of degradation and chaos that is surfacing almost daily is astonishing . At this time of awakening, of seeing and feeling what no longer can be denied, reframed, or avoided, it can take our breath away and stun our spirits.
Tender is the soul in change.
Take time to listen to what is going on inside you, what needs holding, encouragement, and support. We each need to find what nurtures our spirit and hold one another in tender loving care and a balm of calmness, allowing one another to stand in our spiritual presence.
We hope you feel the tender touch of the Angels this month and share it with others.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Transformation for February take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Tenderness into your life for the month of March.
2月のエンジェルは Transformation(変容)
人生は、私たちの体から私たちの状況、そして私たちの環境への絶え間ない変化の錬金術のプロセスです。 展開していく形ある世界にどのように対応するかは、気づきを自分のものにして、自らの行動を、存在の奥深くにある神聖な内なる空間からのものに集中させる能力に直接関係しています。
エゴや低次の自己を排除することではありません。 私たちの高次の性質がエゴをそれ自体に吸収し、それによってそれを変容させるのです。親切で、愛情があり、寛大で、敬意を払う存在になるには、最高の価値観に従って行動することによって努力しなければなりません。 あらゆる瞬間が自分自身を再構築する機会であり、それは一度に、1 つの感情、1 つの考え、1 つの行動で起きます。
変容による魂の内なる旅は、単なる性格の変化ではなく、私たちの本質の実現です。 これは、私たちのアイデンティティと日常の意識が、私たちの歴史によって決定されなくなることを意味します。 私たちは次元的にシフトし、過去の中身を捨て、永遠の存在に住まいます。
私たちは人間の体に宿る霊的存在です。 レベルアップの時です。 ためらいや長引く自己不信を手放します。 癒しと変容のためにそれらを心の祭壇に持ってきて、あなたが自分自身であることを知っている人になることを敢えてしてください。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of February is Transformation
~Inspirational Message~
Change happens when you take responsibility for your awareness and apply it to your everyday life, small moment by small moment.
Life is an alchemical process of constant change from our bodies to our circumstances to our environment. How we respond to the evolving world of form directly relates to our ability to internalize our awareness, and focus our actions from the sacred inner space at the depth of our beings.
It is not about eliminating the ego or lower self. It is about allowing our higher nature to absorb the ego into itself and thereby transform it. To become a kind, loving, generous, and respectful being, we have to put effort into it by conducting ourselves according to our highest values. Every moment is an opportunity to recreate ourselves and it happens one feeling, one thought, one act at a time.
The inner journey of the soul through transformation is not simply a change in character, it is a realization of our true nature. This means our identity and daily consciousness ceases to be determined by our history. We shift dimensionally, we leave the content of the past and reside in our eternal presence.
We are spiritual beings inhabiting human bodies. It is time to up-level. Release hesitations and lingering self-doubts. Bring them to the altar of your heart for healing and transformation, and dare to become whom you know yourself inside to be.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your journey be graced this month.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Compassion for January take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Transformation into your life for the month of February.
1月のエンジェルは Compassion(慈しみ、思いやり)
自分自身と他人の痛みを含む人間の状態を心から理解し、判断を解消し、受容への道を開きます。 苦しみを和らげたいという心からの願い。
私たちは、エネルギーの痕跡を通して、常に周囲の人々とつながっています。 私たちが触れるすべてのものには、私たちのサインが染み込んでいます。 私たちが意図的であるほど、私たちの特徴は長く残り、私たちのタッチの影響が大きくなります.。同じことが私たちの思考や感情にも当てはまり、より強く、より反復的であるほど、それらはより長く「生き」ます。
時折、私たちは思いやりに疲れ、人間であることのジレンマから自分自身を切り離すことができます.。私はそれがうつ病、ストレス、自尊心の欠如の広まった原因ではないかと思います。 私たちは常にメディアによってトラウマを負っています。これは、私たちの心を疲れ果てさせる可能性のあるエネルギー的な痕跡を生み出します。
人間の経験に「ついて」何かをする必要はありません。 私たちは皆、行動に移すトリガーポイントを持っています。 問われるのは「私たちの行動は、愛のドミノ効果につながるか、それとも分離のドミノ効果につながるのか」です。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of January is Compassion
~Inspirational Message~
Heartfelt understanding of the human condition that encompasses the pain in oneself and others, dissolves judgment and opens the way for acceptance. A sincere desire to alleviate suffering.
Compassion is an energetic emanation from the essential part of us that holds the 'will to good'.
We are in constant connection with those around us though our energetic imprints. Every thing we touch is imbued with our signature. The more intentional we are, the longer our signature lingers and the greater the influence of our touch. The same is true of our thoughts and feelings, the stronger and more repetitive, the longer they 'live'.
Cultivating a compassionate nature, for both ourselves and others, acts as a healing balm that helps us tolerate hurts and nurtures our ability to be with what is. It gives us refuge from our judging minds and allows our hearts to open.
Without compassion, we cannot see the truth and pass through the suffering to trust in a greater reality.
The cultivation of compassion is a life-long practice, it comes with experience and the flowering of an intelligent heart. A heart that is perceptive to the subtleties of indifference, pity, sympathy, loving kindness, and caring.
Sometimes, we can become compassion-fatigued and separate ourselves from the dilemma of being human. I think it maybe a wide spread cause of depression, stress, and lack of self worth. We are constantly being traumatized by the media and this creates energetic imprints that can exhaust us out of our hearts.
There is no need to do anything 'about' the human experience. We all have our trigger points that move us to action. The question is; does our action lead to a domino effect of love or separation?
Just for this month, practice the art of compassion through touch, thought, and feeling with the intention of leaving an energetic signature that animates the will to good and love for humanity.
May you be wrapped in the wings of the Angel of Compassion and invite in all those around you.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Contentment for December, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Compassion into your life for the month of January.
12月のエンジェルは Contentment(満足)
あらかじめ決められた決定や結論を手放すと、すぐに私たちの注意が変わります。頭をすばやく回して別の方向を見るようなもので、一瞬生き返ったような気がします。 (試してみてください。) 私たちの中の何かが目覚め、私たちの経験や条件付けられた反応を超えた現実を垣間見せてくれます - ほんの一瞬でも。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of December is Contentment
~Inspirational Message~
Savor what is in your
life now. The creative process is never finished. Let go of striving and rest in satisfaction and joyous fulfillment
Be at peace with what is, give yourself permission to gently reside in the present. Recycling the past is not 'ego-logical' and worrying about the future is a distraction, both cause the state of contentment to elude us.
Calming our interior prepares us for the emergence of what is new and gives us a container to receive grace when it is offered. How we hold the content of our lives determines the quality of content-ment we feel.
Letting go of pre-determined decisions and conclusions instantly shifts our attention. It is like a quick turn of our head to look in a different direction and we come alive for a moment. (Try it.) Something in us awakens and gives us a glimpse of reality beyond our experience and conditioned responses - even if just for a moment.
There is something emerging within humanity that may not have occurred before. With no clear path or map outlining how this step toward a global consciousness happens. Cultivating contentment allows a quiet certainty to develop. Savor the moment, there is nothing more fulfilling.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May you have many moments this month to savor.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Acceptance for November, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Contentment into your life for the month of December.
11月のエンジェルは Acceptance(受容)
それは全体像を活気づけ、より高い現実を歓迎し、私たちの人間性と私たちのより大きな存在の性質を体現するように誘います - そうすることで、対立は止まり、私たちは一つの存在になるのです。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of November is Acceptance
~Inspirational Message~
Let the mist of unworthiness evaporate.
Move forward and embrace life as it presents itself to you. Practice the art of inclusion and allowing.
Self-acceptance is a gift of internal belonging that embraces who we are and who we are not. It widens our perception so that we can include the many paradoxes of life.
Acceptance reduces the conflict levels inside and around us and invokes change. It releases us from the struggle against reality and then new possibilities can open up to us that did not exist before.
Acceptance frees up our energy. It is a benediction, a blessing, a gentle rain that melts judgments, fears and doubts, and allows us to surrender to the truth of the moment without preferences.
It animates the big picture, welcomes a higher reality, and extends an invitation to embody our Human nature and our greater Being nature - in doing so, conflict ceases and we become one presence.
This month, look for experiences that you are rejecting or pushing against. If acceptance does not seem possible, practice relaxing your protective response that splits perceptions into division of right/wrong, good/bad, guilt/innocence. And let the mind unlock from its fixations.
May the Angel of Acceptance wrap its wings around you and hug you tightly filling you with acceptance then offer it freely to all you meet.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Trust during October, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Acceptance into your life for the month of November.
10月のエンジェルは Trust(信頼)
外部の信号に対して内側で自動的に生じる反応を変えるために、提案があります。信号が黄色に変わり、赤に変わる前に安全に停止できる距離があるとき、あなたはどうしますか? 「やり抜く」ために加速しますか?もしそうなら、これは私たちの黄色い「心配の光」が消えるときに内側で何が起こるかの比喩です。私たちは加速します。もっと頑張って、もっと速く動いて、もっとやります。全て条件付けされたストレス反応です。信頼とは、立ち止まって、再び前進することを示す青信号を待つ能力です。
10 月は、信号が黄色のときにブレーキを踏む練習をして、その瞬間に一時停止し、人生のより深いリズムを呼吸する時間を取りながら、緑色の信号が再び出発の合図をくれるのを待ってみませんか。
休んで、すべてがとてもうまくいっていることを知ってください。光が緑色になろうとしています… それまでは - 愛の思考と親切な行動の能力を高めてください。天使たちがあなたの人生にインスピレーションを与え続けてくれることを願っています。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of October is Trust
~Inspirational Message~
Move from a place of knowing within you rather than as a result of adaptation to outer experience.
Let go of your assumptions and need to control life's creative process.
It does not matter what spiritual path you’re on, an ultimate sense of peace comes down to one question: Can you let go of the need to control your life, and trust there is a benevolent force guiding all that ever has, is, and will happen?
Trust is the soul's way of attuning to the fundamental laws of reality. There is a deep rhythm that moves through all life that cannot be controlled by our will.
When trust informs our experience, it allows our psyche to relax and our soul to be at peace with our situation. We can rest in unquestioned confidence that the universe provides, that we have and will receive what we really need. In fact, often beyond what we alone are even capable of imagining.
When we have a lot of 'basic' trust, we are courageous and take risks. We don't suppress our competencies. We engage in life wholeheartedly, doing what feels appropriate with the confidence that it will work out. Life becomes a story of creation not an obstacle course.
Without basic trust, we tend to react to what arises in accordance with our conditioning, wanting our life to go one way or another. We cling to predetermined assumptions and outcomes. We become tense and contracted and do all we can to manipulate the circumstances to fit with our desires.
Here is a suggestion for changing the automatic internal response to external signals. When a traffic light turns yellow and there is a safe distance to stop before it turns red, what do you tend to do? Do you accelerate to 'make it through'? If so, this is a metaphor for what happens inside when our yellow 'worry light' goes off — we accelerate; try harder, move faster, do more; all stress responses to our conditioning. Trust is the ability to stop and wait for the green light to signal the time to move forward again.
Why not, for the month of October, practice putting on the brake when the light is yellow and taking that moment to pause and breathe in the deeper rhythm of life while waiting for the green light to again signal you to go.
Rest and know that all is very, very well - the Light is about to go green ... till then - increase your capacity for loving thoughts and kind actions. We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Synthesis during September, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Trust into your life for the month of October.
9月のエンジェルは Synthesis(統合)
私たちはさまざまな方法で世界と向き合っています。パートナーとして、家族の一員、子供、親、ペット仲間、隣人、顧客、文化的なそして国家的な地域社会の一員として。ほんの数例を挙げるだけでもこれだけあります。多くの顔の背後にいるのは誰ですか? 内側の顔のその「誰か」は誰ですか?
では、今月練習することはなんでしょうか? それを「頂点を極める」と呼びましょう - 最高の中間点に行き、生命と二元性の明白なパラドックスを保持するのです。すると興味深いことに、そこは非二元性の点ではなく、統合の点です。
Kathy Tyler
Angel of September is Synthesis
~Inspirational Message~
Act with a win-win attitude.
Use your creativity and sensitivity to blend all the diverse parts into a unified whole.
We inter-face with the world in numerous ways; as a partner, a family member, child, parent, pet pal, neighbor, customer, and community member both culturally and nationally to name a few. Who is the 'one' that is behind the many faces — who is the 'one' inner-face?
The world we live in does not always appear to support the experience of essence living and this creates pressure. To protect our core expression we build defenses. The tension is felt as a suffering that closes our hearts, contracts our spirit, and limits our creativity.
A state of synthesis is a seamless presence. There is no gap; no space that gets filled in with misconceptions of who others or we think we are. It is from this one presence that we can reach out in our many expressions. It is in this blending all the diverse parts that returns us to the unified whole that existed before the perception of separation.
So, what is the practice this month? Lets call it 'apexing' - going to the highest midpoint and holding the apparent paradoxes of life and duality. And interestingly, it is not a point of non-duality, it is the point of Synthesis.
Open to letting the truth you hold be replaced by a greater Truth. Synthesis allows a larger awareness of the whole to blend and fuse.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your inner-face shine through every experience.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Simplicity during August, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Synthesis into your life for the month of September.
8月のエンジェルは Simplicity(シンプルさ)
Kathy Tyler
Angel of August is Simplicity
~Inspirational Message~
Simply be yourself. Look past the fanfare and drama to what is enduring.
Take time to clarify what is important to you and let
non-essentials fall away.
Simplicity requires tenacity of spirit and a 'one pointed' clear holding of our soul's presence. Too much of the time our minds are filled with the complexities of outer circumstances. Living with simplicity, not necessarily simple, means removing the noise of the swirling demands that surround us.
Life itself is the expression of Divine Nature and an appreciation of this aligns our consciousness with what is essential and enduring. A moment of direct connection helps to break the spell of uncertainty and builds internal well-being. Living without fanfare opens doorways to what is truly important.
To simply be ourselves can be a daunting task. It presses us to deeply consider the question of who we truly are and then open to who everybody else is. It requires us to bring what we do into mindful service of who we are and simply shine the light of truth into our everyday experiences.
May currents of light come into your life on the wings of Simplicity this month.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Willingness during July, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Simplicity into your life for the month of August.
7月のエンジェルは Willingness(意欲、いとわないでする心持ち)
Kathy Tyler
Angel of July is Willingness
~Inspirational Message~
Approach life with an open mind and a how-can-we-make-it-work attitude.
Use your will skillfully to enhance the creative process rather than inhibit it.
Willingness is an inner alertness that magnifies the connecting point between our human and divine natures. It is the practice of steadiness, receptivity, readiness, and response — not necessarily in that order.
It means you may upset the status quo, both within yourself and others, challenging movement beyond current ways of thinking. Remember, not only our outer worldly selves are in a constant state of evolving, but so are our inner spiritual selves as we realize what it means to belong to a higher world.
Are you willing to undo your belief systems to accelerate change?
New ways of welcoming the unfolding present moment results from letting go of the spectrum of arrogance to unworthiness, and passivity to aggression; all rooted in shame. There are things that want to happen in the natural flow of life. Nothing of substance can be forced into or out of existence.
Willingness encourages perspective and opens us to our inner guidance allowing a clearer knowing of when the moment is right to act. Willingness brings ease and grace into our lives, our interactions, and most importantly into the times we are in now!
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May you be willing to share your magnificence, your love, and your deep connection to your Divine.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Play in June, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Willingness into your life for the month of July.
6月のエンジェルは Play(遊び)
遊びは私たちを想像上の領域に引き込み、私たちの生活の代謝をサポートし、豊かにします。それは洞察と楽な実現を生み出すために不可欠です。 遊びは、文字通り私たちに「息抜き」を与えます–コアレベルで私たちの活力を回復します。
Angel of June is Play
~Inspirational Message~
Maximize every moment of aliveness. Experience
pleasurable involvement in all your activities and enjoy what you are doing. Have Fun!
Play is at the heart of our creativity and animates our being in our most carefree moments. It helps us live with absurdity, paradox, and mystery. It feeds our childlike joy and wonder. It keeps our search for meaning grounded and on to earth.
There is so much going on in the world, and within us, that our stress levels have adjusted upwards to a new 'normal' creating a hidden epidemic of fun deficit disorder (FDD). Play is an antidote to stress. It can totally absorb your attention and cause a cascade of feelings that greatly impact your happiness quotient.
Play engages us with the imaginal realm and supports and enriches our metabolization of life. It is integral for generating insights and effortless realizations. Play literally gives us a 'breather' – restoring our vitality at a core level.
This month find a fun activity that totally captivates your attention to the point where time seems to slow or even stop, and the voice inside -- (the one giving constant commentary on what you’re doing, have done, or will be doing) -- ceases. Laugh heartily at jokes, situations, and yourself.
Wishing you playful, joyous moments throughout June..
And, transformed FDD to FUN:):)....
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Clarity in May, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Play into your life for the month of June.
5月のエンジェルは Clarity(明晰さ)
では、明晰さを引き出すために私たちは何をするのでしょうか? 自分自身の内側へとダイナミックに探求するのです。尋ねるのです。私の存在の源は何か? なぜ私はこのように、またはそのように行動しているのか? 何を癒す必要があるのか? 自己探求を通じて、内なる存在を招き、その豊かさと謎を開示してその可能性をあらわにするよう誘います。
Angel of May is Clarity
~Inspirational Message~
Clear your perceptions free of confusion. Focus on intent and straightforward expression.
See the world as it is without your projections, judgments and assumptions.
Clarity is a process not a singular event and once reached tends to mark progress not arrival. The love of truth clears the attachments that result in mis-conceptions and false conclusions and makes it possible to align with our essential presence. As we learn to attune ourselves to our true nature, it informs our consciousness of the right attitudes, directions, and actions - free of assumptions and judgments.
So what do we do to encourage clarity to emerge? We engage in dynamic exploration into ourselves; asking, what is the source of my being? Why am I acting this way or that way? What do I need to heal? Through self-inquiry, we invite our inner being to disclose its richness and mysteries and reveal its possibilities.
The world as we perceive it is made up of our thoughts, images, emotions, and impressions. They are important only as points of orientation, not as conclusive evidence of reality. We need to be willing to allow our dreams, our current self-images, our very identities to completely change in kind and quality.
Clear the confusion and preconception that covers your deepest and most cherished inner sensations and be completely yourself.
May the Angel of Clarity animate your inner being and bring new and fresh ways of viewing yourself and the world throughout the coming month.
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Grace in April, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Clarity into your life for the month of May.
4月のエンジェルは Grace(気品、優美さ)
キャシー タイラー
Angel of April is Grace
~Inspirational Message~
Poise and elegance in form, attitude, and action. Give up struggle and allow the universe to participate in the creation of your life.
Grace is a healing balm that soothes our nervous system and relaxes our stance in the world. It gives margins to our souls allowing them to be held in the deep state of a soft heart.
In a world of static and adversity that robs feelings of happiness, Grace is the aura of goodness. Allow it to saturate your activities and restore your state of calmness.
Sound a Grace note this month. Your words can bring the remedy of grace, whether it is your own self talk or when speaking with another. Words are an instrument to heal or wound, to connect or separate. Let your words encourage, ease, and soothe the nervous system of humanity with the healing balm of grace.
The idea of Grace points directly to the mystery of our being. It can not be defined, strategized, or controlled. But, we can place ourselves in the direct line of grace by holding sacred space and cultivating sacred conditions.
The gradual process of interior transformation and awakening changes the way we experience reality and brings a new quality of information. A restructuring of consciousness takes place that empowers us to perceive, relate, and respond with increasing sensitivity to the divine presence in, through, and beyond everything that exists.
Grace is awakening to the natural order of the universe. Maybe your soul's journey is simply learning to live as an emanation of presence and be a vessel through which Grace flows.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your heart be happy and your presence filled with Grace.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Discernment in March, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Grace into your life for the month of April.
3月のエンジェルは Discernment(識別力、洞察)
けれども、もし私たちがそれ以上だとしたらどうでしょうか? もし私たちが夢の長い夜から目覚めようとしている強力な存在だとしたらどうでしょうか? 私たちが明るさの転換点にあり、私たちの起源についての深い知識を明らかにし、それによって世界平和をもたらす能力を明らかにしようとしているとしたらどうでしょう。全体とのつながりを感じ、それが現実だとして行動を選択するとどんな風でしょうか。今日はどう違うでしょう?この認識はあなたの行動にどう影響するでしょうか?
キャシー タイラー
Angel of March is Discernment
~Inspirational Message~
Use your sharp-sightedness to make clear distinctions and wise choices. Move forward with confidence in your inner compass.
Discernment is the recognition of the soul's impulse within our lives. It builds our intuitive ability to act with an awareness of the power that is concealed within the present moment. Discernment requires that we regularly take a personal inventory of our values, beliefs, past actions, present hopes, and future dreams.
We live our lives based on what we believe. Our actions are preceded by our beliefs. Our consciousness is reflected back to us. What we look for we will find. So, the question is 'where do our beliefs come from?'. I would guess the overwhelming answer is 'from what others have told us'. We have very few original thoughts that comprise our beliefs. As individuals, we are defined by assumptions that have been formed over generations.
But, what if we are more than this? What if we are powerful beings about to awaken from a long night of dreams? What if we are at a tipping point of illumination, on the verge of uncovering the deep knowing of our origin and with it the capacity to bring about global peace? What would it be like to feel our connections to the whole and choose our actions based on this as reality? How would you be different today? How would this realization influence your actions?
Our collective challenge and opportunity is to surrender the illusions that keep us cocooned in assumptions and limitations. And, like the caterpillar, dissolve into our imaginal selves and redefine the world envisioning a future that welcomes the butterfly.
We hope the Angel of Discernment will illuminate your life this month. May your heart and mind discern and embrace the presence of your soul.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Harmony in February, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Discernment into your life for the month of March..
2月のエンジェルは Harmony(ハーモニー)
キャシー タイラー
Angel of February is Harmony
~Inspirational Message~
Listen to the highest rhythm of all the elements and bring them into concert with your essential nature.
Conduct your life accordingly.
Harmony is the relationship of different pitches that compliment each other. There are many voices, both within us and around us, and at times they sound in apparent discord with one another. If each one of us is an instrument in the universal orchestral expression of humankind - what instrument are you and what is the note you are contributing to the whole?
There is a place, deep in us, that occurs just before choice appears. It holds the unformed possibilities that await existence and direction from our conscious and subconscious creating selves. Attune (bring into harmonization) to this place and the highest path will open before you. In doing so, you bring yourself, those you relate to, and your environment into synchronization and entrainment with each other. Entrainment is a natural and powerful phenomenon that causes the lesser vibration to come into resonance with the stronger vibration.
When you are in the presence of a person who is expressing joy, the energy field of their joy brings your own joy to the surface, so you entrain together. This is true of other manifestations of this principle, in both positive and negative ways.
This is where you come in. Your choice to be an instrument of the highest rhythm and expression can uplift and harmonize. You can actively change the vibrations (frequency or rhythm) of patterns within you and others by strengthening your intention and giving yourself the correct instructions that remind you of your essential nature.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your heart and mind be in harmony and the path before you clear.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Love during January, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Harmony into your life for the month of February.
1月のエンジェルは Love(愛)
満足の本質で静けさの基礎。 愛は、あなたの精神を活性化して、つながりを作るために手を差し伸べることです。 それは悲しみを克服し、悪意を抱くことなく、すべての分離を癒します。
キャシー タイラー
Angel of January is Love
~Inspirational Message~
The essence of contentment and the foundation of serenity. Love is the activation of your spirit reaching out to make connections. It overcomes grief, harbors no ill will and heals all separation.
If the experiences we have are a result of our selective perceptions, why not adjust our lens and look though the windows of love instead of fear, righteousness, loneliness, guilt, etc.?
Love is a vibrational frequency. It is the feeling nature of our soul and our direct connection to the Source. When we tune into this frequency, we nurture a closer relationship to our true selves.
Love is not something we have, but rather something we are. When we extend this essence to a person, group of people, a place, or an animal a luminous mystery forms in the depths of our hearts and extends out beyond ourselves with deep joy and passion.
We all seek a feeling of belonging; a feeling of being home connected with our Source. It is often easier to access this in relationship with nature or a pet. But it is in our relationships with one another that our love-ablity is most often challenged.
Giving space around experiences and interactions give us margins we can fill with love that contains the content — rather than judgement that searches the content for where the love might be. This shifts our worldview and our interior orientation. We stop trying to manipulate the outer world so that our inner world can be at peace.
We hope the Angels continue to inspire your life.
May your heart experience love with ever increasing ‘frequency’.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Awakening for December, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Love into your life for the month of January.